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HouseHold Goods
Tech Brief – Crankcase ventilation (CCV) systems
The Science INSIDE Webinar Series
Using Highly Reflective PTFE to Improve Efficacy of UV Air Disinfection Systems
Tech Brief – Crankcase ventilation (CCV) systems
The Science INSIDE Webinar Series
Using Highly Reflective PTFE to Improve Efficacy of UV Air Disinfection Systems

Recorded on:
May 12, 2021
12:00 pm ET

Clean indoor air awareness has always been important, but recently has become a major hot topic. As it becomes clearer that viruses and pathogens can easily be transmitted in the air, having an air disinfection system – especially in public places – is becoming mainstream. Using UVC light to deactivate these pathogens has also proven to be one of the most effective ways to accomplish this.  In this webinar, you will learn about how highly reflective microporous PTFE can improve the efficacy and efficiency of your UVC air disinfection systems. With a highly diffuse (Lambertian) reflectivity of up to 98%, you can achieve highly uniform energy distribution within the reaction chamber, making microporous PTFE up to 4 times more effective than competitive materials. 

Who should watch this webinar:

Perfect for design and manufacturing engineers who either have a potential product concept or need to fix a problem with an existing product, this webinar will explore the science behind how microporous PTFE reflective media can be the game-changer for optimal air sterilization device functionality and performance.

What you will learn in this webinar:

  • Learn differences between different types of reflection and why diffuse reflection is preferable to specular reflection when designing a disinfection chamber
  • Gain a better understanding of how even small losses in reflectivity can cause major increases in energy consumption or loss in efficacy
  • See a demonstration of different types of reflective media and how different types perform differently in a UV reaction chamber
  • Understand some best practices in designing a UV reaction chamber

Register to watch on-demand webinar with Q&A:

* This webinar is not available to Porex competitors.

Host Biography:

Gerry DiBattista, Global VP of Marketing at Porex

Gerry is the Global Vice President for Porex’s PTFE business unit. Porex, a business of Filtration Group, is a porous materials manufacturer headquartered in Atlanta, GA, with product development and manufacturing facilities in USA, Germany, Scotland, Malaysia and China. Gerry has a diverse experience of over 30 years in the areas of Manufacturing, R&D, Operations, Product Management, Marketing, Business Development, Sales and Business Management for a wide variety of industry segments. An expert in materials and material science, Gerry leads a global team to develop a robust and sustainable product portfolio based on PTFE by working closely with customers and industry associations. Gerry holds an MBA from the Katz Graduate School of Business, and a bachelor’s degrees in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh.